Jian Fang
Jian Fang
分享Sue姐妹写的文章 http://www.rocklandchurch.org/ministry/sue
Irene Lacis
Dear Sue,

Thank you for sharing your spirit with us, and for raising such a kind, capable, witty, and intelligent family. It has been a great joy in my life to have known BB and Ray since our high school days.

I remember coming over to your home in Flushing to watch movies with BB after school, and being struck by how glamorous and cheerful you always seemed to be. Through the years, I've been so impressed with how well the three of you got along (now four, with little Aidan), and how good you are to each other. I've often thought of you as a great example of how to live - with joy, love, kindness, humor, and resilience.

Thank you for the lessons. I will forever remember your bright spirit.
Jennifer Kim
Dear Sue,

You will be very missed and forever in my heart. You've raised two wonderful children who've made my life much better and brighter. I still remember all the times that you were so sweet, generous and kind towards me - making sure I had enough food, telling great stories of your family, telling me to enjoy life to the fullest, and encouraging me to marry rich! :-) Your youthful glamour, zest for life, and sweetness will remain in my memories, as well as our holiday dinners and fun outings. Thank you for helping me feel part of the family. I will miss you very much!
Cody Tray
BB and Ray, I’ll never forget when I met your mom. BB, we were college age, so it was circa 2000 or so, and we were out to dinner with a bunch of Stuy friends. You wanted to give your mom something to take home, a package or bag or something that was heavy and annoying for you to carry. So, you made up to meet her on a random street corner, and I’ll never forget her pulling up in a bright red car, top down, hair blowing, sunglasses, big smile, looking happy and carefree and amazingly cool and trendy and beautiful and young. She was so very different from what I’d been expecting and I was blown away! I’ve always remembered that moment, and all these years later, it still makes me smile and I can still see her clearly in my mind’s eye!
Rainbow C
Below is a greeting card to Sue during the 2021 New Year from brothers and sisters of Rockland Chinese Alliance Church. We could see again Sue's beautiful testimony in God.
Rainbow C
Dear Sue,在此我要述说您在主基督里彩虹般美丽的见证。


19年8月18日的主日崇拜之后几个姐妹一起为Sue祷告。作为一名cancer survivor和年前因恶性腫瘤痛失母亲的我当时有神的感动希望和Sue定时一起来祷告。当晚我加了她的微信。我们俩每周有一个晚上一起听赞美诗歌。在电话中聊她的近况及治疗,我也回答她的一些的问题。然后我们一起读圣经,为她的身心灵健康祷告。Sue很有爱心又细致,我们也一起为她心里有负担的弟兄姐妹和朋友祷告。有一次她还和我分享如何靠主饶恕伤害过她的人,让我好感动。Sue的儿女很优秀,她对教会有青少年及儿童的家庭很有负担。19年圣诞节前Sue匿名捐助了11本有关婚姻家庭儿女教养的书让弟兄姐妹传阅。我们都受益匪浅。今年新年之际,我们给Sue送去感恩祝福的话语,她收到后说这些书能带给大家从神而来的帮助,就当感谢神,赞美神!



親爱的Sue, 那美好的仗你已经打过,当守的道你已经持守,你在众人面前作了美好的见证,必得主赐那永不衰残的荣耀冠冕。Rest in peace!
Yin Wu
Dear Sue, may you rest in peace. You have raised two beautiful, kind, intelligent, independent and strong children. Your daughter BB has been a wonderful miracle friend in my life and she has brought so much joy in my life. I still remember the wonderful food basket you sent to us and the sweet card you wrote to us after your family spent a Thanksgiving holiday in our apartment. It is through your wonderful basket I have discovered the delicious garlic olive oil from TraderJoe's!
PingYing Chen
Dear Aunt Sue / 大姑姑:
Thank you for taking really good care when I was lived in NY, show me around and take me to the delicious restaurant.
I will always remember you in my heart. Although we are not living together, but when I started having homework, you are always by my side, cuz grandma always using you to be the stander to me.
阿嬤每次都說 如果妳可以跟妳大姑姑一樣會唸書又會玩,我就讓你邊寫功課邊看書。這真的是我從小的記憶。
I will miss you forever.
蓉蓉 喻
喻蓉蓉 敬輓(2021.7.10)
You are a passionate pursuer,
You did the best you could.
Jung-Jung Yu(2021.7.10)