Wendy Tao
Hi David,

Today is the 5th anniversary of your passing。 How are you in the heaven? Dad and I miss you very much and wish all is well with you!

Many things have happened during the past year. The biggest thing was that Dad had an open heart surgery. Dad has recovered well and started back to work in June.

I was backing and forth between taking care of your grandma and your Dad.

On this special day today, Dad took the afternoon off to join me for a memorial service。 According to Chinese culture, I cooked some food for you: fried labster noodle, mushroom tufu, asparagus。I made a flower basket with the flower cuttings from our balcony。We light up candles to memorize you and pray for you to be happy and healthy in the heaven. I hope that you had the opportunity to come over visiting us or watching us from the heaven。

Someday Dad and I were seated around the kitchen table, I had the fantasy that you came back and said "Mom", the voice sounded so familiar... I know we will have that day when three of us meet in the heaven again. Until then, you take good care!

Wendy Tao
Xue-Ming Bao
David, Wish you a happy birthday in the heaven!
Wendy Tao
Hi David,

How are you doing? Today is a special day that brough back a lot of memories on you. I wish we could have celebrated your 34th Birthday together in one of your favorite restaurants......

Happy Birthday!



It's one of your favorite flower. I remember that you bought one for me and planted it in our front yard. You liked its exotic color and shape. Your Dad just bought a same plant, I was so glad that he picked up your favorite flower:-)

Oct 31, 2022

Xue-Ming Bao
David, I took a day off from work for this special day (6/14) to grieve with your Mom togethet. It has been four years. You have been in my heart and memory daily. I will wish you well in the heaven. Rest in peace! Ming
Wendy Tao
Dear David,

How are you? We miss you very much, especially on Today.

I remember clearly that morning four years ago when I brought the new laptop which you ordered online to see you...

My heart ached and I asked myself: If you lived at home that night, would things be different?

Our lives have being changed since then. We moved to an apartment, I retired earlier, and your father just had his 65th BD. I wish you were with us on many special days. On the Valentine’s day (2/14/2022), I woke up earlier. My brain was full of your memories. I listened to your music and look through your photos. When I saw the photos of the gifts you gave to me on Valentine's days, I was touched by your love and wrote an article to capture my feelings。 Thank you for being in my life and your love! I am stronger day by day because I know that you would want me to be strong and live happily. I am also a volunteer in helping others.

Today I made a card with the flamingo celosia that was your favorite flower to me as a gift.
Thank you, David! We will meet again in the havean one day.

Miss and Love you, David!

Davidson Hang
I miss you, buddy! Hope you are doing well. Thanks for helping me explore higher realms of consciousness. You are still in my heart, buddy. I love you
Wendy Tao
From John X. :

David, thinking of you and remembering all the new games we played on this day as kids, thank you for looking out for us and keeping us safe.

Wendy Tao
Dear David,

Happy 33th Birthday!

We miss you deeply on this special day.


Xue-Ming Bao
Dear David,
Happy birthday in the heaven. We love you, miss you and wish you well. We will live a good life for you on the earth so that you will smile at us with your happy heart.
Ming, Daddy
Davidson Hang
Happy Bday Ddao! Hope you are doing well!
Wendy Tao
Dear David,

Happy Birthday!

Today is your 33th Birthday. I am thinking about you. It brought my memory back so vividly: the delivery process, the joy in welcoming you to the world...

I miss you. Weather is going cold, I went to look for my sweaters and found a pinkish one that was a gift from you. I wear it and feel your love and care. You were a loving, caring and generous person.

We moved to a new apt where is closer to your Dad's work place. Sometimes when Dad and I were sitting at the dinner table, I looked at the front door and wished you could drop by. Othertimes I keep myself busy in painting, gardening, stock market so time flied by. We miss you so much. Your grandmother has kept asking me how David is doing? Does he have a girlfriend? When will David get married? I didn't dare to tell her the reality coz she will be heart broken.

Lots have happened in the past year in our family. Your cousin Le became a father. His son was born on the Chinese New Year in 2021. Your grandmother is so happy everytime she sees the little baby.

Your Dad and I took a trip in the labor day week. We visited several national parks across five states in the west, including the two packs of Grant Canyon and Bryce Canyon where you visited with us when you were still a kit. I am retired and have more time to visit your grandmother. I plan to go there after Christmas to celebrate the Chinese New New 2022 with her. I miss you very much and wished that you could have been with us for all these moments.

Flowers and views from our balcony. I know that you love my plants. You are always in my heart :-)

Happy Birthday and a big hug to you, my dear son!


Xue-Ming Bao
Thank you for sharing our experience with David. We want to enjoy good life experience for David so that he will smile at us from Heaven. Ming
Wendy Tao
亲爱的David, 生日快乐!

今天是你的 33 岁生日。我在想你。它让我的记忆如此生动:生产的过程,欢迎你来到这个世界的喜悦......








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