Aaron, my college roommate and close friend! So many things to remember - brazilian music, all night final papers, and those horrible Mexican rice dishes we used to cook for ourselves and wash down with beer. Living on the other side of the world it’s been hard to connect but look forward to seeing you soon. Have a fantastic 50th birthday and have a bite of cake for me. Rgds, Will
Aaron, we had the best of times on Maywood Street. An occasional song brings me back there momentarily. Our lives are much more complicated today and time is scarce, but you’ll always be my little brother. “Tomorrow is another day”
All the best!.....Mike D

PS. Whatever happened to all of that curly hair?
My first thought about Aaron is how happy Renya was after she met him (on a five - minute “speed date”, I believe). Then, in time, I met Aaron myself and immediately understood his appeal. First of all, he’s a lot of fun. He’s great company. He has stories to tell. Once Annika and Gavin came along, I saw that he was also a super daddy, affectionate and playful, silly, even goofy. In this, he reminded me of Steve when he was as a daddy of small kids. Of course, I know Aaron is also responsible and hard working. One weekend when they were visiting, I saw how much effort he put into prepping for a job interview.

It took Renya five minutes or less to get the measure of the man who is Aaron. I can honestly say the same was true for me.

Happy 50th, Aaron!

With affection and admiration, Karen
Phillip Saperia
Aaron, you are a thoughtful, thorough, incisive and involved professional. And you are a dedicated father and husband. Wishing you a fabulous birthday celebration and fifty more years of prideful contribution, family reward and personal satisfaction.
Sheri Dordick Jolcover
Baby cousin is 50! Aaron, you honestly do not look a day older than 49!!
You have so much to be proud of; education, career and a beautiful wife and children. Hard work has resulted in great rewards for you. Keep your momentum going.
Aaron, Alan and I wish you a happy 50th birthday filled with love and laughter...Always!!!!