
Lucille Michelle Davidson

Answer one question or many - using words, photos or other media.

What are Lucille's key baby stats at birth? (Weight, height, etc.)

Shaye Schofield
7lbs 19inches

Why was Lucille's name chosen?

What are some of your best pictures of Lucille?

What do you want Lucille to know some day about their parents?

What's the best piece of advice you can give Lucille?

Describe the moment Lucille appeared in the world

Do you have a picture of Lucille with the oldest person in the family?

What six words best describe Lucille?

Write a note Lucille will see upon turning 5

Write a note Lucille will see upon turning 18

Write a note Lucille will see upon turning 50

What's your favorite picture of you and Lucille together?