

Answer one question or many - using words, photos or other media.

Why is it significant?

Maria Dorfner
Love is everything
Maria Dorfner
Valentine's Day is significant to appreciate and give gratitude for the love in our life. Sometimes, we get busy and this makes us stop and focus on that.
Maria Dorfner
Love is everything

Are there people who couldn't be here you'd like to say something about?

Maria Dorfner
My Grandparents Giuseppe and Angelina and Salvatore and Rose showed me the true meaning of love. They gave their time, attention and love to the entire family. I visited them every Sunday and loved observing how loving and attentive they were towards each other. When children bickered my grandmother's response was always, "Love each other." They were happy and it overflowed onto the entire family.

What are the best photos and videos to capture this celebration?

Maria Dorfner
Red hearts, Couples holding hands, roses, chocolate, candle-lit dinner, romance, weddings, couples hugging, kisses

What are you celebrating?

Maria Dorfner
Valentine's Day

Who were the most important people celebrating with you?

What are you proudest of?