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What did you think of Go Set A Watchman?

jesse kornbluth
Encouraged (or guided) by greedy advisers and publishers, she spent her last year diminishing her legacy --- in “Go Set a Watchman,” a first draft of her masterpiece, she pretty much had Atticus Finch kill a mockingbird. Too bad.

The question I always want to ask Presidential candidates: “What’s your favorite book?” Until recently, the answer would likely be: “To Kill a Mockingbird.” My follow-up question: “In that novel, because it’s the right thing, Atticus Finch takes a case he knows he will lose. When was the last time you took on a cause that you knew was doomed?” Likely response: silence. Suggestion:

Give your copy of “Watchman” to Goodwill. Re-read the novel that, so long ago, inspired you.