
Gloria Jean Asher

Answer one question or many - using words, photos or other media.

What's your favorite picture of Gloria?

Marcy Santana
Marcy Santana
Gloria loved to dress up.

What do you most want people in the future to know about Gloria?

Marcy Santana
That she loved her family, friends and animals.

What did Gloria dislike?

Marcy Santana
Water - her dementia made her afraid to take a shower.

What did you learn from Gloria?

Marcy Santana
To be strong, independent and enjoy everyday.

What will you miss most about Gloria?

Marcy Santana
The time we spent together going to movies, long drives, family parties and watching TV together.

How would Gloria most want to be remembered?

Marcy Santana
A loving grandmother.

Post a photo from each decade of Gloria's life

Marcy Santana

Did Gloria have a favorite phrase or common mannerism?

Marcy Santana
The purpose of life is to have a good time.

What did Gloria love?

Marcy Santana
Music, dancing and painting.

What made Gloria laugh?

Marcy Santana
Going to funny movies.

What are your best memories of time together?

Marcy Santana
When we went to Hawaii to celebrate her 80th birthday.

What were Gloria's guilty pleasures?