
Richard "Gorilla" Osborne

Answer one question or many - using words, photos or other media.

Richard loved nicknames - if you had the Gorilla for class, what was your nickname?

Ryan Haydu
Christine Wright
C- Dub (a shortened version of "C" "W" - college sports nickname)
Morgan Jones
My name is Morgan Jones. Dr. Osborne called me "Hawk."
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Did Richard have a favorite phrase or common mannerism?

Christine Wright
The late Richard "Gorilla" Osborne knew every prominent executive in the Northeastern Ohio area; and encouraged his Graduate Students to review case studies of Ohio Businesses that survived an asset sale, including stories of the rise and fall of many prominent Ohio Banks. He welcomed local CEOs to visit with his students.

His famous mannerism: a pause followed by a sip of water before commenting on any number of student questions. He answered them all.
Theodore Austin
The iconic, infectious laugh.
~Burma Shave

What will you miss most about Richard?

Post a photo from each decade of Richard's life

What did Richard love?

What are your best memories of time together?

What did Richard dislike?

What did you learn from Richard?

What do you most want people in the future to know about Richard?

What were Richard's guilty pleasures?

What objects most remind you of Richard? Have photos?

What were Richard's greatest passions?