
Michael William Kotch, Jr.

Answer one question or many - using words, photos or other media.

Have you felt the presence of Michael in your dreams or prayers?

Teena Kotch Viscusi
Teena Kotch Viscusi

Best photo looking silly?

Teena Kotch Viscusi
Teena Kotch Viscusi

Best photo looking serious?

Teena Kotch Viscusi
Teena Kotch Viscusi

What made Michael happy?

Teena Kotch Viscusi
Traveling and meeting new people and doing spontaneous things, playing his guitar, and playing with Bella.

What did Michael dislike?

Teena Kotch Viscusi
Fake people.

What's your favorite picture of Michael?

Teena Kotch Viscusi

How would Michael most want to be remembered?

Teena Kotch Viscusi
The guy that lived his life, one day at a time.

What are your best memories of time together?

Teena Kotch Viscusi
Doing the epic road trips where he was my co pilot and navigator, disc jockey, and calming spirit.

Just hanging out together discussing life...

Share a photo from each of the key phases of Michael's life

Teena Kotch Viscusi