Cadence sharee orcutt The girl with the heart of gold

Cadence the day you were born you had Nana vondas whole heart and still to this day my heart still belongs to my number one princess I love yoy to the moon and back through the stars


Cadence Sharee Orcutt

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What did you learn from Cadence?

Vonda Meers
On February 19,2007 when I first saw my beautiful granddaughter and&held her for the first time I felt something I'd never felt before and that is the feeling of truly loving another human being she taught me to love with my whole heart and she still to this day has her nanas whole heart always has always will.
I love you princess to the moon and back through the stars love you forever and always Nana. Xoxo♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡