
Suzanne Carter Carper

Answer one question or many - using words, photos or other media.

How would Suzanne most want to be remembered?

Rebekah Carper
She would want to be remembered as exactly who she was. A mother, a grandmother, and even a great-grandmother. She always was positive and happy, and I never saw her with a frown on her face. She wants us to remember her as happy and positive!

If you could send Suzanne a message now, what would you say?

Rebekah Carper
I love you so much. You have been dearly missed. Please, watch over me and protect me in this horrible world.

Have you felt the presence of Suzanne in your dreams or prayers?

Rebekah Carper
Yes. She was in one of my dreams, and when I woke up, it hit me that it was just a dream. However, it comforted me. Also, I believe she is always near me, being my guardian angel.

What other, general memories do you have about Suzanne?

What made Suzanne laugh?

What will you miss most about Suzanne?

Post a photo from each decade of Suzanne's life

What's your favorite picture of Suzanne?

Did Suzanne have a favorite phrase or common mannerism?

What did Suzanne love?

What are your best memories of time together?

What did Suzanne dislike?