
David Marvin Brunson Jr.

Answer one question or many - using words, photos or other media.

Did David have any nicknames?

Dave "Batman" Brunson
Dawn Yeske
Sandy Ahrens
Bateman or Spike
Connie Flowers
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If you could send David a message now, what would you say?

Dawn Yeske
Thank u for being in my life for 13 years
Ashlyn Payne
David you were a good friend and a good father and this is ashlyn Chloe's sister.
Chloe Coburn
dad this is chloe u were the best dad i could ever had. if i had one last wish it would to be able to bring u back love u daddy
Jolene Lankford-Mahurin
Hi Cousin how are you I hope all is doing good for you sorry I don't get to see you often but when I seen you at Magoos Pizza that was a very nice day I love you

What are your best memories of time together?

Connie Flowers
We would always walk to the store from Grandma and Grandpa Flowers house and buy the Bazooka Joe bubble gum because it always had a comic and tattoos in the wrapper. And every night when grandpa flowers would come home from work we would always rush out to him and get his lunch pail which always had some sort of Hostess goodies inside for us. Also remember he loved to make grandma her glass of Alka Seltzer it was fun watching it fizz up even if it did kind of
Jolene Lankford-Mahurin
he was my childhood hero the best memory I remember is when he lived with grandma Margaret and we used to play aggervation or yatzee all the time

What made David happy?

Jolene Lankford-Mahurin
His Family

Who were some of David's closest friends? Have pictures?

Jolene Lankford-Mahurin
Mary Ellen Irwin

Where were some of the places David lived?

Jolene Lankford-Mahurin
Shafter Bakersfield

Have you felt the presence of David in your dreams or prayers?

I had a dream that David was watching us play in the snow on New Years day.

Best trips or vacations? (Post a photo if you have one)

Dad used to take us kids on supper Sundays. (Derrick Brunson)

How would David most want to be remembered?

What six words best describe David?

What's your favorite picture of David?

Did David have a favorite phrase or common mannerism?