We are thankful for our Rose

We are grateful that God allowed us to share in a lifetime of memories with the amazing, beautiful, loving, compassionate and funny Rose Lucille King Siron. Please enter here, spend as much time as you like and share your memories of Rose.


Rose Lucille Siron

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Could you post photos showing different hairstyles over the years?

Diana Lunan
Rose has lots of different hairstyles over the years. My favorite memory of Moms hair was when I was about 10. At that time she wore it long an pulled back in a French bun. I loved to brush it for her. I'll never forget coming across this photo of her. As kids we never saw Mom like this. She was all dressed up for a New years Eve Party. It opened my eyes to the fact that our mother had another life other than us. I saw her as her own person from them on.