We are thankful for our Rose

We are grateful that God allowed us to share in a lifetime of memories with the amazing, beautiful, loving, compassionate and funny Rose Lucille King Siron. Please enter here, spend as much time as you like and share your memories of Rose.


Rose Lucille Siron

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Do you have a video of Rose singing or dancing?

Diana Lunan
We hadn't seen Mom dance for a very long time, it seemed. Then at Shelby and Jon's wedding she wanted to be on the dance floor the minute she heard the music. We were all so tickled to see her having such a great time. She danced the night away with anyone that wanted to dance with her. It was even a more special occasion because Mom and Dad were celebrating their 60th wedding anniversary that very week.
The next morning I called the folks house to check on her and was surprised to have her answer the phone. I exclaimed "Mama what are you doing up already?". She replied "Why do you ask that silly question? I always get up at this time."
I laughed and replied back "Yes but Mama you were the Queen of the ball last night and you danced the night away! I thought for sure you would be very tired today." In her very own brand of humor, she replied back. "Well, I was a professional dancer you know?" As far as we know she was not that. It didn't matter to me. It was just the perfect comeback. I'll never forget it.