Martin Waldman passed away November 24, 2019. This LifePosts, created for his 90th birthday, captures his full life story. Another memorial LifePost has been created to house obituaries, eulogies, and other remembrances:


Martin Gordon Waldman

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What's your favorite story about Marty?

Amy Cunningham
I once confided in Marty that I thought Steve could use a little coaching on his TV appearances, just some sessions with a broadcasting professional, as in Steve's role as Beliefnet's founder, he was being asked to creatively quip on everything from inaugural prayers to the origins of the Easter Bunny. Everybody in the public eye should strive to work harder, be better, get it perfect, right? "Well," Marty said, "You wouldn't want Steve to be any different than he is."
This response just floored me. I think I might have even gasped. Accepting people as they were? Loving all that is? Isn't that something folks meditate years upon in Buddhist seminary? Marty's great gift is to love his sons to the outer most limits--just as they are. They are perfect. And his wife, daughters-in-law, grand-kids too. Nothing needs to change. That's inspiring to me, different from what I'm used to, and an incredible gift.