Welcome to this online salute to Rebecca!

We are so grateful you have visited this page to help us celebrate Rebecca Hawthorne's outstanding leadership of the MAOL program at St Kate's! Please consider leaving a message on the Overview page, visit the LifeQs page to offer memories, wishes and gratitude, and/or add photos or videos on the photo/video location. Our collective efforts will continue to remind Rebecca of all the ways that we celebrate her leadership and contributions to the MAOL program and St. Catherine University. Thank you! Rebecca's Crew (Val Krech, Amy Ihlan, Louise Miner, Martha Hardesty, and Sharon Radd)


Rebecca K. Hawthorne

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Describe one way Rebecca has inspired you.

Mary Graf
I would not have graduated without Rebecca's help! She got involved personally involved when I was struggling and coached me to successfully complete my action research project.
Congratulations on all of your accomplishments at St. Kate's! Thank you for the opportunity to become part of the St. Kate's family. You are an incredible role model - your passion for your work, high standards, care for students and inclusive style shine through in all you do. You have and will continue to help me be a better version of myself. Thank you!!!! Kristin Tupa
Jacqueline Byrd
Thank you for your amazing support when I launched my book (and Val too, of course!). It was a special evening and people still talk about it as being such a unique event--made me feel special. And, quite honestly, that is how you make people feel...I hope you feel as special as you make others feel. God Bless! JB
Rebecca, I look back at my years at St. Kate's in the MAOL program, with gratitude and admiration for your gracious and gallant leadership as a role model, mentor and teacher. Your encouragement and wisdom provided inspiration for my final MAOL project on "the challenges women leaders face while navigating life's transitions."
All the best to you and the journey ahead,
Jewl Ross-Madrid
Rebecca, thank you so much for inspiring me to shoot for the stars and go after a thesis in my program. I appreciate you pushing me and leading me to a place where I could be proud of myself and my accomplishments. Too, your mantra to "trust" the process is not only helpful in thesis/project work, but in many life situations. I appreciate your leadership of the program and wish you all the best on your next venture.
Rebecca, Thank you for your service to all of us affiliated with the MAOL program at St. Catherine's. You are a part of many of my MAOL memories. I am continually inspired at how you 'walk the talk' of leadership whether you're leading a discussion, presenting data to business leaders and/or members of academia, or cultivating knowledge in the room. You articulate impeccably and exude confidence with humility and grace.

You've shaped my learning in many ways; however, 'evidence-based' decisioning skills comes to mind when I think of your influence. Thank you. It's an indelible imprint.

One of my memories that highlights your exemplary professionalism and quick-thinking skills happened on site at Wells Fargo. You came to our site to promote the MAOL- Wells Fargo cohort. Despite your own difficulties in mobility that day, you quickly shifted to accommodate an abundance of attendees who initially morphed the capacity of the room. There was no time to spare and a limited window to act. You remained calm, positive, and clear headed. You quickly arranged to split the meetings in two and provide an environment that was more suitable and without any obvious anxiety, deliver a powerful message to attendees in two separate gatherings. In short, you're pretty amazing and a lovely person as well.

I wish you only good things in your next endeavors and am so grateful that our paths intersected. Marian Beumer, MAOL Alum, Dec. 2015.
My name is Brenda Peick, and I'm an alum of the MAOL program, graduating 2008. Rebecca has inspired me in three ways (at least).
1) Her quiet, strong grace is a role model to me on how to carry myself and present myself to others
2) She gave me wonderful advice that I am still working toward on my journey to becoming an adjunct professor
3) Her work on 2020 Women on Boards - such a worthwhile goal! I'm glad she has shined her light on this topic

I look forward to seeing Rebecca's continued journey and I will continue to be inspired by her. God bless!
I am a student hoping to graduate the end of 2018 thanks to Rebecca. My daughter severely burned herself the day after the first session of my third class in the program. I was overwhelmed and in a panic, but Rebecca was so supportive and compassionate, and she helped me realize that continuing with the program was the best way to work through the trauma and find a way to make a difference. Now, I am making the accident my action project focus so more young children will be protected from this particular danger.
I am a graduate of the MAOL Program. From my first day in the program and on, Rebecca made me feel welcome and supported. Throughout my two and a half years in the program and beyond, every time I would see Rebecca, she would greet me with a smile. Her presence is always warm and she has been a great influence on me and my future goals. Rebecca - I wish you all the luck in the world and thank you for leading by example and positively impacting my life!
As part of the 1st MAOL Study Abroad to Capetown South Africa, I got a chance to connect and experience Rebecca's leadership day in and out for 10 whole days! What a trooper she was - leading a group of women through a life changing international experience where we laughed and cried together. The pictures that I've posted here reflect the inspiration Rebecca had on us all, you'll notice her confidence radiates! Thank you Rebecca!!
I have thought of your leadership on a regular basis since graduating from the MAOL program in 2012. I aspire to be a leader like Rebecca. She is engaging, motivating, inspiring and knowledgable. Rebecca has helped me among many other students to become good leaders. Thank-you Rebecca for all that you have done for me. May your next venture be as fulfilling to you as your leadership guidance has been to me.