
Amanda Turner

I've fought depression and anxiety for around 15 years. I've attempted multiple times but came way too close last time. Boyfriend of over 4 years dumped me due to an injury that immobilized me for months. I was stuck in bed, couldn't go to college/work, gaining weight, and just so isolated. I used pain meds I'd been given for my injury. I ended up allergic to one medicine which caused me to vomit everything out of my system; I figure my body decided it wasn't ready to give up. This was in 2015. I haven't considered attempting again since then. I now have an amazing boyfriend that I've been with for a year, a job I really enjoy, and I'm going to college again to get my Bachelor's degree in psychology to help others like me. I have my good days and bad days still but all I have to do is look at a picture of my niece, or look at any of my 3 tattoos I got for my depression, or text a friend about my struggle and I know how much I need to be here. Since opening up about my attempt I've come to realize there are so many people out there going through the same struggle, they just don't share because they feel like their alone as well. Being that one person to open up and start the conversation has made others open up as well and I enjoy being the catalyst to get the talk going. I now volunteer for the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention; seeing the loved ones of all those that weren't as lucky as me appreciate my situation even more. I'd never want to put my family through what those families and friends have had to overcome. I can give a single word of advice that could change your life: TALK. Teach All Listeners Kindness. Talk to people about what's going on, don't worry about judgement. If you are judged then you know that that person does not really have your best interests at heart.

Amanda Turner
Personal History
Amanda Turner
Personal History