
Janis Barbara Lubawsky Townsend

Answer one question or many - using words, photos or other media.

Best trips or vacations? (Post a photo if you have one)

Maya Townsend
On a dig at Cesaraea in Israel
Maya Townsend
Los Angeles 1985
Maya Townsend
At the Great Wall of China
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Share a photo from each of the key phases of Janis's life

Maya Townsend
Protective big sister
Maya Townsend
Maya Townsend
College graduation
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Best photo looking silly?

Maya Townsend
Maya Townsend
I have no idea what they were doing in this photo, but it is silly!

Post photos showing different hairstyles over the years

Maya Townsend
Hippie mother in the early 70s
Maya Townsend
Big hair in the early 80s

Do you have a video of Janis singing or dancing?

Maya Townsend
Dancing in a Russian palace

What six words best describe Janis?

What are your best memories of time together?

What's your favorite picture of Janis?

Did Janis have a favorite phrase or common mannerism?

What made Janis happy?

What did Janis dislike?

What objects most remind you of Janis? Have a photo?