
Yolanda Alexandria Massa

Answer one question or many - using words, photos or other media.

How did Renee affect other people?

As I remember it she was always the life of the party.
As I remember it she was always the life of the party.

How would you tell Renee's life story in pictures?

Amy Cunningham
Here's the Powerpoint on Yolanda's life that Lydia and Daphne lovingly came up with...

How would Yolanda (Renee) most want to be remembered?

What made Yolanda (Renee) laugh?

What will you miss most about Yolanda (Renee)?

What are your best memories of time together?

What were Yolanda (Renee)'s guilty pleasures?

What objects most remind you of Yolanda (Renee)? Have photos?

What were Yolanda (Renee)'s greatest passions?

What six words best describe Yolanda (Renee)?

Who were some of Yolanda (Renee)'s closest friends? Have photos?

What would Yolanda (Renee) say is the secret to a long and happy life?