
Joseph Cameron Brennan

By Paula Swertfeger

Joseph was born to James Edward Brennan and Judith Diane Cameron in Highland Park, Illinois.  He graduated from McArthur High School in Hollywood, Florida.  He later returned to Mundelein, Illinois with his parents. In 1994 he moved with his father to Milwaukie, Oregon.  Joseph earned a B.S. and M.A. in Political Science from Portland State University.  He loved music and movies, playing the drums when he was young.  He is survived by his half brother Kelly J. Brennan and his half sisters: Margaret M. Center, Paula L. Swertfeger, Mary Jo Schiffman, Kathleen A. Trone and Diane Johnson.  He will be missed by his family and friends who love him dearly.

Joseph Cameron Brennan
  • born

    Dec 7, 1964

  • died

    Sep 14, 2018

Paula Swertfeger
such a wild child ha ha!
Paula Swertfeger
From Kindergarten to High School Graduation. What a cutie.
Laura Waldriff
Look at that twinkle in his eyes:)
We met as a family to celebrate Joseph. We love our dear brother. I read this message to our family.

Joseph Brennan was born December 7, 1964 to Judith Cameron Brennan and James Edward Brennan. Joseph was the only child born to them together.

As a child I remember Joseph coming over on occasion while
Dad was as work. Joseph being about five years old was shy and always had a smile on his face, I remember he was fun to play with.

Joseph had a good friend in the neighborhood name Mitch. Joseph said they went to a few rock concerts..he like the band Kiss, Beatles, and rollings stones to mention a few. Weekends were sleepovers and staying up late to watch the midnight concerts on Friday nights.... he said they barely stayed awake to watch them.

A favorite pet of Joseph's was Patches... half collie, and sheep dog.

Joseph told me when he would work at Carpet Pros with Kelly...Kelly would always play Michael Bolton while they worked on a job together....after a while he would request a change of music as he could take no more of Michael.

Joseph loved WWF wrestling... A LOT! Joseph, Dad, Judy, and sometimes friends would go to matches together. He and Dad liked to watch it together at home while eating dinner.

I enjoyed talking with Joe on the phone...we could talk for what seemed forever sometimes... he was a good conversationalist and listener.

I learned Joe is a soul without guile, he was obedient, careful, kind, observant, intelligent, meticulous, daring at times, brave, and sometimes a pain in the butt!

He loved sci-fi movies, politics, and would loved to have written speeches for politicians.

One of his favorite places to eat was five guys... he loved the hamburgers and fries. He likes eating, cookies with milk, pie, coke zero, spaghetti, meatloaf, and Costco chocolate muffins.

One day I took him to Walmart to visit his, "peeps". He walked through the store going from department to department greeting friends and telling them how hard they were working... they were all so happy to see him, and his smile. He was liked by many.

Joe was a gentle soul with a welcoming smile. I truly loved my time with Joseph..... So grateful to have him as my brother and friend. I love him and will miss him
I will always remember how kind and sweet Joe was. He truly had everyone’s interest at heart. He will be misse dearly.
Laurie Brennan
May the road rise to meet you. May the wind be always at your back. May the sun shine warm upon your face and until we meet again, may the Lord hold you in the palm of his hand.
Wish we had met Joe, sounds like an awesome man.
Laura Waldriff
I am glad to have known Joe. He was always a kind man with a gentle spirit.
Joseph Cameron Brennan
  • born

    Dec 7, 1964

  • died

    Sep 14, 2018