
Princess Tiffany Butler

Answer one question or many - using words, photos or other media.

What are your favorite pictures of Princess Tiffany Butler?

Terry Butler

What do you miss most about Princess Tiffany Butler?

Terry Butler
Her soft cheeks and her kisses

What made Princess Tiffany Butler happiest?

Terry Butler
Always being with her family

What did Princess Tiffany Butler do that made you laugh?

Terry Butler
Was always licking me

A.K.A. Tiffers

How did you pick Princess Tiffany Butler's name?

What are some of your favorite videos of Princess Tiffany Butler?

What was Princess Tiffany Butler's favorite food?

What six words best describe Princess Tiffany Butler?

What was Princess Tiffany Butler's most human characteristic?

Favorite photo of Princess Tiffany Butler looking awesome?

Favorite photo of Princess Tiffany Butler looking guilty?