
Donna Catalano

Answer one question or many - using words, photos or other media.

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What's your favorite picture of Donna?

Mike Catalano

What did you learn from Donna?

Mike Catalano
I learned to work hard and be a good person.

What are your best memories of time together?

Mike Catalano
My mom was always there for me. If I had a problem, she will always be there for me. One of the best memories is having dinner with my mom and enjoying life.

What will you miss most about Donna?

Mike Catalano
Her loving face, voice and smile.

What did Donna love?

Mike Catalano
My mom love being with her family. She loves creating stories to tell people. Love reading. Every night before going to bed, I would say - Love you mom and she will say Love you Michael.

What made Donna laugh?

Mike Catalano
Watching her favorite tv show - Mary Tyler Moore.

If you could send Donna a message now, what would you say?

Mike Catalano
I miss you so much. You are not just my mom, you are the best mom!! Your love and memory will always be within me forever.

How would Donna most want to be remembered?

Mike Catalano
The best mom in the world!!

Post a photo from each decade of Donna's life

Did Donna have a favorite phrase or common mannerism?

What did Donna dislike?

What do you most want people in the future to know about Donna?