
Michael Brian Solano

Answer one question or many - using words, photos or other media.

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If you could send Michael a message now, what would you say?

Vivian Dimson
You were such a kind person, Mikey. Always so loving to your Grandma Annie, your Mom, Dad, and brother, Kirk; and everyone around you, especially your family whom you loved so much. Life would be hard to imagine without you. However, knowing you're at peace and free of all the worries and cares of the world is a bit consoling. You brought so much happiness to your family. We only have fond, very very fond memories of you. We will miss you beyond words can express. We love you dearly.

How would Michael most want to be remembered?

What six words best describe Michael?

What are your best memories of time together?

What's your favorite picture of Michael?

Did Michael have a favorite phrase or common mannerism?

What made Michael happy?

What did Michael dislike?

What objects most remind you of Michael? Have a photo?

How did Michael affect other people?

What were the most life-changing moments for Michael?

What were Michael's favorite TV shows, movies, books or music?