
Nancy Ann Benson

Answer one question or many - using words, photos or other media.

What did Nancy dislike?

Lisa Jones
My Mom really disliked shellfish.

What made Nancy happy?

Lisa Jones
Nancy was most happy when she knew that her family was happy.

What are your best memories of time together?

Lisa Jones
My favorite memory of my Mom is singing country music at the top of our lungs.

If you could send Nancy a message now, what would you say?

Lisa Jones
It's ok I finally understand.

How would Nancy most want to be remembered?

Lisa Jones
She would have liked to be remembered as the mother of 4 daughters and 1 son.

What six words best describe Nancy?

Did Nancy have a favorite phrase or common mannerism?

What objects most remind you of Nancy? Have a photo?

How did Nancy affect other people?

What were the most life-changing moments for Nancy?

What were Nancy's favorite TV shows, movies, books or music?

What were Nancy's greatest passions?