
David Williams

His friends called him “Big Dave." 

He charmed everybody around him with his thunderous laugh and genuine smile. He considered his wife his best friend and his son his greatest accomplishment. His granddaughter was his most unexpected and deepest joy. He loved his mother dearly. He cherished his sisters and their families. 

He made friends easily. He never suffered a fool gladly. He liked his TV loud and his food barbecued. He looked to Black leaders, thinkers, creatives and athletes for hope. He watched old cowboy movies to evoke simpler times. The Steelers, Dodgers and Serena couldn’t be beat in his book. Politics enthralled him. The pettiness infuriated him. The universe fascinated him and animals comforted him. The sound of rain, Jazz and R&B eased his soul. His strength and guidance encouraged more people than anyone knows. 

To his Wife he is a soulmate. 

To his Son he is a hero. 

To his Granddaughter he is pure love and adoration. 

To us all he is irreplaceable.

Rest now Big Dave, your work here on Earth is done. 

David Williams
  • born

    Aug 25, 1955

  • family

    Esterline York, Spouse / Partner
    Damien Williams, Child
    Aria Joy Williams, Grandchild
    Kenosto (d.), Pet
    Joan Williams (d.), Parent
    Robert Williams (d.), Parent
    Sharon Williams, Sibling
    Michelle Noble, Sibling
    Jamel Williams, Nephew
    Brittany Lewis, Niece
    Brianna Noble, Niece
    Lynnette Williams, Child

  • died

    Dec 18, 2019

David Williams
  • born

    Aug 25, 1955

  • family

    Esterline York, Spouse / Partner
    Damien Williams, Child
    Aria Joy Williams, Grandchild
    Kenosto (d.), Pet
    Joan Williams (d.), Parent
    Robert Williams (d.), Parent
    Sharon Williams, Sibling
    Michelle Noble, Sibling
    Jamel Williams, Nephew
    Brittany Lewis, Niece
    Brianna Noble, Niece
    Lynnette Williams, Child

  • died

    Dec 18, 2019