
Aubrey Marquez

Answer one question or many - using words, photos or other media.

What will you miss most about Aubrey?

Amy Cunningham
I'll miss his kind awareness. He was up on every bit of neighborhood news, but he only saw his knowledge as a way to be helpful and supportive. He was not a gossip! He was a walking local newspaper. Oh Aubrey, you will be sorely missed! There was no one like you.
richard lubell
Ill miss his wave first thing every morning, his talks on my stoop, his helpful attention to our block.
Charles Peeples
I will miss his unparalleled attention to detail as he cared for his friends and family in the neighborhood. He really made our daily lives so much easier. He was truly the Mayor of Rutland two voted in unanimously.
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What six words best describe Aubrey?

Amy Cunningham
Alert. Fun. Folksy. Magnanimous. Fashionable. Faithful.
richard lubell
Dapper, eccentric, irreverent, industrious, amusing, endearing
Bruce Walker
Iconic. Informative. Stylish. Missed

What objects most remind you of Aubrey? Have photos?

Amy Cunningham

If you could send Aubrey a message now, what would you say?

What did you learn from Aubrey?

What was Aubrey's favorite food?

Did Aubrey have a favorite dog on the block? Have a photo of them together?

Did Aubrey trim your hedge, watch your car, walk your dog? Tell us about it.

Let's face it, Aubrey was a clothes horse. What was your favorite outfit of his?