
Rita Guptil

Answer one question or many - using words, photos or other media.

What objects most remind you of Rita? Have a photo?

Family & Friends
Rita never met a frog she didn't like!
Chad Guptil
Moms famous little funny face that has managed to show up on cards, boxes , gifts... just about everything I can think of for as long as I can remember! A little reminder that moms fun was always near

What's your favorite picture of Rita?

Family & Friends
Family & Friends
Before John and I left on our trip, we thought it would be fun to for the sisters to get some pictures, just in case we never came back. Mom always loved pictures from behind. This was just one of those moments. Going to miss you Sister. - Jill

What will you miss most about Rita?

Family & Friends
Family & Friends
That happy, silly, fun loving bright spot she brought to every one she encountered.

Did Rita have any nicknames?

Family & Friends
"The Glitter Bitch", "Half-a-Deck", "Reeter", "Honey", "Drams",

Who did Rita like or admire?

Family & Friends
Brad Pitt and J.P. Patches (Not sure which one was her favorite)

How would Rita most want to be remembered?

If you could send Rita a message now, what would you say?

What six words best describe Rita?

What are your best memories of time together?

Did Rita have a favorite phrase or common mannerism?

What made Rita happy?

How did Rita affect other people?