
Kevin Michael Chandler

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If you could send Kevin a message now, what would you say?

Stephanie Urick
I love you. So much more than I revealed to you in this life. I thought we had more time. I am so very grateful that God gave us time together near the end of your life here. He really does give us that have Him in our hearts what we want in this life. I see that more and more everyday. Remember how we talked about everything He said in his ”last supper” so much? We wondered how/if it could be true. And now I see how He was doing it all along, before we even knew it was a thing He said. I can’t wait to see you again. Feel you loving me. I miss you. Every. Single. Day.
Life is a gift, and I am finding the balance between enjoying this gift while looking forward to the end of it too. XOXO