
Sandra Waldman

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What have you learned from Sandy?

Steven Waldman
Restaurant menus always need a good copy edit

It's never too late to start a new career or go back to school

Nixon was a bad man

Gezpacho is best with avocado in it

No one deserves to be treated rudely

You're never too old to hold hands with your mommy

Meatloaf must always have a layer of ketchup on top

Reproductive rights are a key to women's empowerment around the world
Amy Cunningham
I mean, with how many mothers-in-law out there, can you openly speak about contraception methods? Sandy loved her days at The Population Council!
Amy Cunningham
Sweet Potato Tzimmes!
Ben Waldman
Grandma Sandy has always taught me the importance of preparation and the impressions our actions and the things we produce leave behind. I have a rather cavalier personality, and without Sandy's steadying voice at various points in my educational journey, I don't think I'd have been particularly successful. There is real value in crossing T's, dotting I's, and double checking work. A single typo, Sandy taught me, can deligitamize an otherwise worthwhile effort. (Let's hope there are none in this post!)

Given that she was so successful professionally--with the odds stacked against her--I think it would be wise for us to all listen to her guidance.
Joseph Waldman
I've learned what I should aspire to be like when I'm a grandparent! How to be sharp, intelligent and feisty while at the same time showing unconditional love and compassion.
Gordon Waldman
I have learned that love, curiosity, intelligence, and passion do not decrease with age. In fact, if grandma Sandy is an accurate representation, these qualities seem to increase as the years go by. I will never stop being amazed by the almost unfathomable amount of love she shows her children and grandchildren. Her beautiful brain continues to be as sharp as ever and she continues to impress me with all that she knows. She has also never gotten out of touch with our family, country, or world as some might. Although this is quite far in advance, Sandy has already taught me how to be the perfect grandparent one day! :)
Elizabeth Fine
To love unconditionally
Michael Waldman
I take it for granted that I was taught (by example and by words) the value of strong, smart and successful women. That was my expectation. It literally would not have occurred to me to marry someone who wasn't that way, which I now realize is an inheritance. All without (too much) drama, and with a full awareness of the sacrifices she made for me and Steve and the family.