
Liam Jones

What's the most significant lesson dad taught you?

My daddy taught me to be headstrong, powerful and independent, and how to do things for myself. He said never be dependent on a man. Marry because you want to, not because you have to. I can be whoever I want and I can do anything I want. Use your common sense, stay out of jail, drugs are bad, education is imperative. Never stop learning. Speak up if something is bothering you. Don't be afraid to ask for help if you need it. It's better to have a few really great people in your life that you love and trust, than a whole bunch of people who don't mean much to you. Don't sweat the small stuff. Take care of my body while I am still young enough to do so. Cherish time with family because one day they will not be with me anymore. Respect the elderly and military service members. You get what you give out. Think positive thoughts. See the Beauty in every single living thing. Find at least one thing to smile about every day. Always believe in yourself. And that he will always love me no matter how bad I screw up. Good heavens this could go on all day. My dad is the best dad ever. 💗💗
Liam Jones
Liam Jones