
Charles (Chuck) Mayer

What's the most significant lesson dad taught you?

My dad always tells me, "Nothing is set in stone" when I'm anguishing over a big decision. The first time I remember him saying it, I was trying to decide whether to purchase my first "home," but wasn't sure because I was dating someone who lived in Europe. Typical for me, I was looking down the road and worried about making such a big purchase if I might be moving in the not so distant future. I remember thinking how he was making it seem like such a minor thing if I was in that situation, but really he was right. If I ended up moving, I could sell my condo, rent it out, etc.; I didn't need to have a crystal ball showing me all that the future has in store for me in order to make that big decision. I actually still think of his advice sometimes when I'm faced with decisions but unsure what the future may bring. For the record, I bought the condo but didn't move to Europe (my boyfriend and I broke up about a year later). Thank God I took my dad's advice!
Charles Mayer
Charles Mayer