
Samuel Hagley

Answer one question or many - using words, photos or other media.

What would you like people to most know about Samuel?

Ellizabeth Grant
He is a good young man who love God with all of his heart. He was good child and is now a good young man. Mom Loves you son. And So does Josh

If you could send a message to Samuel, what would you say?

What objects most remind you of Samuel? Have a photo?

How has this experience changed you?

How do you plan to honor your child's memory?

Friends and family, what words of comfort can you offer the parents?

Friends and family, would you like to offer a favorite prayer, quote or poem?

What or who has helped you get through this?

Is there anything about the cause of death that you want others to know?

Friends and family, what words of comfort can you offer the survivors?

If you pray, what have been the messages or requests in those prayers?

If you could send Samuel a message now, what would you say?