
Jay M. Cseh

Devoted father, brother, and friend.

Jay "BJ" Cseh, age 46, passed away suddenly on July 27, 2016. He was the devoted father of Taylor Cseh, of California. Jay is survived by his parents, Marianne and Jay Cseh; sisters Lisa, Judy, Jean, and Krista and many nieces and nephews. He is also survived by his best friend and fiancé, Lyn Barney. Jay was a dedicated fan of both the Pittsburgh Steelers and the New York Mets. He enjoyed fishing, hunting, swimming and spending time with his beloved family. He will be greatly missed.

Jay M. Cseh
  • born

    Jan 27, 1970
    Islip, New York

  • died

    Jul 27, 2016
    Mullica Hill, New Jersey

Adeline Cilurso
Thinking of you ,and all the things you did for me..I will always remember you with the kindness you shared with me.. Also want you to know Monet is grieving she knows !I told her Jay is all gone, she did not eat for a couple days, not even her treats,she stays in her bed mostly all day, just like she did when her Big Daddy passed away. I will treasure the times we spent together, your hospitality when I stayed at your apt to recuperate the thoughtful things you gave me and all the goodies you would bring home for Lyn and is too short however it allowed me to have met you and enjoyed the times we were all together,,, will meet you again one fine sunny day.where we can enjoy the home God has reserved for all of us......
I love you Jay .you hold a space in my heart that is reserved just for you......
Love and God Bless......❤️❤️❤️❤️mom
Marcy Sowers
Dearest Jay, I loved you from when we first met in Junior high. We were like peas and carrots. It was strange how we could pick up after years and it felt like we were never apart. I’ve missed you since we last talked and I realize now why I hadn’t heard from you. I tried to call so many times. I love you forever Jay. If Taylor ever needs something I’d bend over backwards for her. Her father was my best friend. Love you forever. I know everyone misses you so. I’ll never forget you. -Marcy
Lyn Barney
Happy birthday sweetheart I hope your smiling at all the birthday wishes and photos posted by krista. It's six months since u left seemail like yesterday. I hope u can hear me when I talk to you . You may not like what I say sometimes but then that's not unusual. I miss u and can't help being angry and sad but I know your at peace and thsts what matters just know I love u and always will . Sleep well.
Lyn Barney
Happy birthday sweetheart hope your smiling at all the birthday wishes and the photos krista posted. Sure wish you were here to celebrate but I know your at peace . Six months since u left today and I still go from angry to sad . You are,always on my mind as u were when you were here. I wonder if you can hear me when I talk to you . You may not always like what I say but I hope you know I love u still. And always will . Sleep well . I love u
Adeline Cilurso
Happy happy day my dear friend I don't have to tell you how much we all miss you..I know this is the happiest you have ever been .it is also the saddest we have been to share this day without you...
Last year on this day we were all so happy you were here with us.I remember so well...
I love you today, yesterday tomorrow and all the days and years to come...always will..have a grand time in heaven..That is the only consolation we have, you are in heaven with our love ones.the happiest you have ever been....................💔💔 💔 💔
Adeline Cilurso
Happy day my dear friend. I know you are the happiest you have ever been.
Miss you very much..this time last year ,we were all very happy ...I remember so well....this year you are happier than ever ,having a grand time in heaven...
I miss you, I love you and always ,love love you ,jay....
Jay M. Cseh
  • born

    Jan 27, 1970
    Islip, New York

  • died

    Jul 27, 2016
    Mullica Hill, New Jersey