
Adrianne Monique Francis

Answer one question or many - using words, photos or other media.

Did Adrianne have any nicknames?

Yolanda Fonville
Adriannes favorite nickname was REKO. In remembrance of their mother my grandsons bought a kitty cat and named him REKO (Meow)
Yolanda Fonville

Did Adrianne have a favorite pet? Have a photo of them together?

Yolanda Fonville
Adrianne liked my dog Ferrum. Her son Antonio my grandson gave him to me. He is now 2 years old in human years. He loved Adrianne when she came to visit. He jumped on her and she talked to him like a real little boy.

Anything about the cause of death that you want others to know?

Yolanda Fonville
Adrianne had Stage 4 Lymphoma head and neck cancer. She was diagnosed the end of July 2016. I read in her medical report that the cancer was aggressive and spreading fast. In a month and a few days my independent daughter left us. My only solace is that she did not suffer.

How did Adrianne affect other people?

Yolanda Fonville
Adrianne was a happy person who was blessed with laughter. When she was around everyone was happy. She had the spirit of joy and she loved laughing. Our pastor said she always had a smile on her face even when things were not always going good. Other people always knew that about her.

How do you plan to honor Adrianne's memory?

Yolanda Fonville
I plan to do the diabetes walk each year and I plan to volunteer to do what I can for the Cancer Foundation.

If you pray, what have been the messages or requests in those prayers?

Yolanda Fonville
Dear Lord, I don't understand what has happened with my daughter. I just don't know why you took my daughter after all my prayers of protection I asked for her. Even though I know that you know best the pain of losing my daughter is unbearable at times. I am trusting you to help me trust that you have her in your care and that you will continue to give me strength to keep living until you come for me in Jesus name I pray. Amen

If you could send Adrianne a message now, what would you say?

Yolanda Fonville
Dear Adrianne, I wish I had come to get you when you told me you were sick. I wish I had been living close to you so I could have followed thru with you with your doctors appointments but it wasn't to be and for that I am sorry. It was always my duty to take care of you even into adulthood so since I couldn't always be there I prayed for you everyday all of your life and now I know that God loved you more and he wanted you with him so be happy my love and be safe in his arms. Always Mom

Best photo looking silly?

Yolanda Fonville
Adrianne is being silly (ha ha ha)

Best trips or vacations? (Post a photo if you have one)

Yolanda Fonville
Adriannes last Vacation At Topsail Beach in North Carolina

Have you felt the presence of Adrianne in your dreams or prayers?

Yolanda Fonville
I feel the presence of my daughter all the time. I always feel her smile when I am thinking of things we talked and laughed about. Today I was looking thru my little table with a cabinet on it and I found this card she gave me a few years ago. I thought she wants me to know she is with me and loves me and that is comforting to know.

Best photo looking serious?

Yolanda Fonville

How would Adrianne most want to be remembered?