Martin Waldman passed away November 24, 2019. This LifePosts, created for his 90th birthday, captures his full life story. Another memorial LifePost has been created to house obituaries, eulogies, and other remembrances:


Martin Gordon Waldman

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Who are some famous people Marty met?

Steven Waldman
Steven Waldman
Robert Waldman
Herb Sargent, one of the legendary television comedy writers whose credits included the original Tonight Show with Steve Allen, The Steve Allen Show, the American version of That Was The Week That Was, and Saturday Night Live at its inception. Herb was President of Writers Guild East when Martin was representing it via Communication Planners.
Kathryn Janus
Well, he has met journalists Michael Waldmen and Steven Waldman1
Steven Waldman
steve waldman
Happy Birthday to my cousin Martin, Whenever I see the late Soupy Sales, I can't thank you enough for bringing this talent to New York and giving us kids so much laughter
Steven Waldman
Also: Bill Clinton, Jackie Cooper, Jackie Gleason, Soupy Sales, Danny Thomas, Johnny Carson, Dick Van Dyke, Charles Schumer, Eugene Nickerson,
Tyrone Power, Kate Smith, Mary Margaret McBride, Kitty Carlisle, many more
steve waldman
Soupy Sales
Steven Waldman
Steven Waldman
Steven Waldman