
Valerie Elizabeth Doomes

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What words of comfort can you offer Valerie's family and friends?

Renita Burton
I would say to love one another unconditionally. Make each day count and forgive the past and live life to the fullest. God gave us an angel, and when it was time for her wings, he stopped by her room. I remember her nodding with a gesture to me that she was ready to go home. Shortly after that, God prepared us for her homegoing. I asked the nurse, if she would make it through the night, she said no. Took Deana outside and told her that we needed to release her to go home.... We felt we needed to tell her that we would be ok. Mother pampered us differently. Yes, this was hard but we did it. Nurse asked us to step out for a moment... Kevin came and gave us the news. I'm so grateful that mother and God allowed us to leave the room just for a few minutes before calling her home. I would tell my silblings that mother love us all the same and the love she gave was truly unconditional. Pass her legacy on. Love you guy with all my ❤.