
Charles Peters

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What have you learned from Charlie?

T.A. Frank
In the big picture, I've learned how far guts will take you, how much brilliance rests in the ability to say things simply, and how powerful integrity in a leader can be. I've learned that, while honesty might cost you, it's the only thing that offers any hope of mattering. I've learned that there are few things too complex to communicate to ordinary people, if you take some time. I've learned that there were no skyboxes in American stadiums in the 1930s, and people wouldn't have liked it if there were. I've learned you can scare the hell out of people and, if you have integrity, most will forgive you, even like you, for it. I've learned that journalists should not skip reading the Washington Times. I've also, thanks simply to Tilting and Charlie's books, learned a lot about how Washington works.