
Ricky Jay Heffron

Answer one question or many - using words, photos or other media.

Best photo looking silly?

Shannan Griffin
He loved to play Father Christmas at Heritage park. He loved to see the joy on the kids faces.
Shannan Griffin

Have you felt the presence of Ricky in your dreams or prayers?

Shannan Griffin
Since he has passed I have felt him several times. I have heard him laugh in my dreams and saw him laugh. I have been stuck on something and not able to remember it and it will pop in my head. Like the other day I was explaining this German game he told us about that he played at Christmas and I could not remember the name of it I was freaking out. Well about two minutes later the word Dradle popped out. I just said thanks dad. I was so relived. I have been trying to make sure I remember everything he told me to do. I know he will be there to walk me thru it.

Did Ricky have a favorite phrase or common mannerism?

Shannan Griffin
Some of mt favorite sayings were, talk at ya laters. I would ask how he was feeling and he would count on his fingers and say "with my finners" . He always had a way with jokes. You could never tell if he was being serious or sarcastic.

Do you have a video of Ricky singing or dancing?

Shannan Griffin
I don't have one of him dancing but his favorite song is Danny boy. And he would always close his eyes and dance to the music.

Did Ricky have a favorite pet? Have a photo of them together?

Shannan Griffin
Chicka and Gandolf were mom and dads fur baby's. Chicka passed away about a month before dad.

Best trips or vacations? (Post a photo if you have one)

Shannan Griffin
The best trip was when Dana, Addy, Dad and I all went to Michigan. We got to see so many neat places. We stayed at a place right next to the Mississippi river, and saw the great lakes. We got to meet his family out there. We also saw Mount Rushmore and Yellowstone . We also stopped in South Dakota and saw Kevin and Kaiden. I am very thankful for that time we got with him. We also went on camping trips with him and he taught my daughter how to love the outdoors.

Did Ricky have any nicknames?

Shannan Griffin
His favorite nickname that most people knew him as was Peacock. That was his mountain man name given to him because of the was he would strut around like a pretty little Peacock.

Anything about the cause of death that you want others to know?

Shannan Griffin
Ric passed away suddenly in Lacedale, MS.

How would Ricky most want to be remembered?

If you could send Ricky a message now, what would you say?

What six words best describe Ricky?

What are your best memories of time together?