
Bob Day

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What was Bob's favorite meal?

Covell Adams
Duck! Always ordered duck if it was on the menu. He also loved salmon, turkey burgers, and the dessert cart at Le Bec Fin (where you could have as much as you liked!) - and he was especially happy if they had the "floating island" (some kind of meringue in grand marnier sauce), though chocolate mousse cake was his favorite on any dessert menu.
Anne Sheridan
Oh my gosh! Remember I said at that trip in Annapolis he got me to try caviar? Well he also got me to try duck! And he was right, it is the best of all meats. And I also remember going to some of those dinners at the Monte Carlo Living Room, where I think three times in a row I ordered smoked salmon (which I hate) and your parents were both so nice about getting me something different. (I think one time your mom even just ate my salmon!) Your dad did not think twice about ordering an 11 year old duck and caviar! He just wanted to give everyone the experience. (And to share the experience with him!)